Avito - auto-upload of goods v8.4

250 sales
Avito - auto-upload of goods v8.4
Price: 3 999 ₽
From 2 purchase of this product, the price is: 1 000 ₽

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Author: МУРЗЕИН Write to the author
Sales: 277 (Average rating: 5)
Need paid help with installation?

  • The module license is provided upon purchase as a key sent by email. One license - one domain.
  • Module updates are available for 3 months from the date of purchase. After 3 months, if module updates are required, the module must be repurchased. Access to updates will then be opened for the next 3 months.
  • If no updates are needed, there is no need to purchase update access. However, note that access to the purchased version of the module will no longer be available after 3 months from the purchase date, so ensure you save the purchased module's distribution!
  • If the module is shared with third parties, access to updates will be revoked.
  • Support is provided for 3 months from the last payment date.
  • Old module versions are not supported, only the current one!
  • Distributed as is. Any customizations are paid separately!

Purchasing the module means you agree to the terms above.

If Avito accepts the feed generated by your current module version, updating is unnecessary.
  • All ad parameters! The module allows specifying both mandatory and optional parameters for ads.
  • Quick updates according to Avito's changing rules.
  • Unlimited uploads.
  • Combining multiple uploads into one.
  • Stock export.
  • Feed generation via PHP script in CLI or scheduler.

Module Setup Sequence
1. Add a new upload.

2. Name the upload, select the upload section, and save.

3. Go to upload settings.

4. Configure the upload.

The module prepares an XML file for uploading goods in accordance with the technical requirements.
The module allows posting ads in the following sections:
Section and subsection lists are available via links.

Export to a general feed and file
Thanks to multimodularity, multiple feeds with different settings, contacts, and products for different regions can be created.
These feeds (separate modules) can now be combined into one upload or file.

Main Features:
  • Compliance with upload requirements.
  • Mapping store categories to Avito categories, with the option to select products from one manufacturer.
  • Additional description fields for all products or for products in one category.
  • Choice of product image sizes.
  • File upload.
  • Multimodularity: ability to create multiple uploads and combine them into one.
  • Ability to specify multiple addresses.
  • Changing all product prices in the upload by a percentage.
  • Option - separate product: each product option in the upload is treated as a separate product.
  • Blacklist of products.
Module Admin Panel

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