If you are faced with a variety of currency prices from your suppliers: some offer prices in rubles, others in dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank with a surcharge, some more products are indicated in dollars at the internal exchange rate of the company, and some work with the euro, which is constantly changing relative to the ruble.
- The module stores the original prices of suppliers in the required currencies in separate tables.
- React promptly to changes in exchange rates and receive automatic conversion of all prices into your default currency.
The Multi-Currency Goods module is specially designed to manage a variety of currency prices in your store. Regardless of which currency your suppliers offer products in, this module will help you manage all prices easily and accurately.
- The installation of the module is easy and does not require special skills. Just download and activate it in the admin panel of your store.
- When adding or editing a product, you can specify prices in different currencies, and the module will automatically convert them to your default currency, taking into account the current exchange rate.
- The ability to set individual courses for each supplier, ensuring the accuracy of calculations.
- The module can be configured to work automatically through the Cron task Scheduler, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
- When updating exchange rates, the module automatically recalculates the prices of goods, taking into account discounts and promotions.
- The module saves the history of price changes, taking into account the applied discounts and promotions.
- Discounts and promotions in various currencies are managed through the standard OpenCart administration panel.
Module licensing
- by purchasing a module, you get the right to use it on one public domain
- use on local servers is not limited
- The supplement is an object of copyright and belongs to its creator
- You may not transfer, sell, distribute, exchange or lease any part of the add-on
- You cannot place the add-on on other sites so that it is available for download
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