News and articles
Comparison of Tilda and OpenCart for Online Stores

The Tilda platform is ideal for quickly creating beautiful storefronts with minimal costs. However, its functionality is almost always insufficient for scalable and complex online stores. OpenCart, on the other hand, provides flexibility, expandability, and deep customization, making it the preferred choice for serious business growth, provided there is a willingness to invest time and resources in technical support.

Choosing an "engine" for product import: what should an online store owner pay attention to?

Choosing a module for product import in an online store is a strategic decision that affects the assortment, competitiveness, and ease of catalog management. The article examines the key criteria for selecting an import module.

The best-selling templates and extensions in January 2025

The best-selling templates and extensions in January 2025: MySklad synchronization, Avito, ChatGPT.

A selection of new modules for OpenCart for January 2025

New products for January 2025: Product variants, Product selection for purchase, Automatic order status change.

What's new in OpenCart

OpenCart was released after more than a year of waiting, offering improvements such as the return of the OCMOD modification system, the introduction of an integrated blog, and the addition of French localization, but we still do not recommend switching to it :)


Bulk data editing and deletion in ocStore 3

Bulk data editing and deletion in ocStore 3
When setting up a new online store or working with it in Opencart, it is often necessary to delete or change product data, including attributes, options, categories and manufacturers.

It is recommended to create a backup copy before making any changes to the database.


The list of database requests is made in phpmyadmin or adminer, in the examples we assume that your database prefix is oc_

Очистка всех категорий:

TRUNCATE TABLE oc_category;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_category_description;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_category_filter;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_category_path;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_category_to_layout;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_category_to_store;
DELETE FROM oc_seo_url WHERE query LIKE 'category_id=%'

Очистка только сео путей категорий:

DELETE FROM oc_seo_url WHERE query LIKE 'category_id=%'

Очистка всех товаров:

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_attribute;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_description;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_discount;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_image;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_option;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_option_value;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_related;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_related;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_reward;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_special;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_to_category;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_to_download;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_to_layout;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_to_store;
DELETE FROM oc_seo_url WHERE query LIKE 'product_id=%'

Установка всем товарам количества 0 (если нужна другая цифра остатка, можете смело ее поменять):

UPDATE `oc_product` SET `quantity` = 0

Очистка всех атрибутов:

TRUNCATE TABLE oc_attribute;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_attribute_description;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_attribute_group;

TRUNCATE TABLE oc_attribute_group_description;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_attribute;

Очистка всех опций:

TRUNCATE TABLE oc_option_description;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_option_value;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_option_value_description;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_product_option;

Установка всем опциям товаров количества 99 (если нужна другая цифра остатка, можете смело ее поменять):

UPDATE `oc_product_option_value` set `quantity` = 99

Отключение для всех товаров необходимой доставки:

UPDATE oc_product SET shipping=0;

Отключение всех товаров, цена которых равна 0:

UPDATE oc_product SET oc_product.status = 0 WHERE price = 0

Очистка всех производителей:

TRUNCATE TABLE oc_manufacturer

Очистка всех заказов:

TRUNCATE TABLE oc_order_history;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_order_option;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_order_product;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_order_recurring;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_order_recurring_transaction;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_order_total;
TRUNCATE TABLE oc_order_voucher;

Очистка всех покупателей:

TRUNCATE oc_customer;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_activity;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_history;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_login;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_ip;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_online;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_reward;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_transaction;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_search;
TRUNCATE oc_customer_wishlist;
TRUNCATE oc_custom_field;
TRUNCATE oc_custom_field_customer_group;
TRUNCATE oc_custom_field_description;
TRUNCATE oc_custom_field_value;
TRUNCATE oc_custom_field_value_description;

Поделить цену товара на опеределенное число (к примеру для перевода из рублей в доллары по курсу 85.5):

UPDATE `oc_product` SET `price` = `price` / 85.50;

Тоже самое, но только для тех товаров, у которых цена больше 1:

UPDATE `oc_product` SET `price` = `price` / 65.99 WHERE `oc_product`.`price` > 1;

Увеличить цену на все товары, у которых цена больше 1, на 8%

UPDATE `oc_product` SET `price` = `price` + (`price`/100*8) WHERE `oc_product`.`price` > 1;

Уменьшить цену на все товары, производителя id = 10, на 8%

UPDATE `oc_product` SET `price` = `price` - (`price`/100*8) WHERE `oc_product`.`manufacturer_id` = 10;



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