ChatGPT SEO - Mass generation of reviews and texts using neural networks for Opencart.

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300 sales
ChatGPT SEO - Mass generation of reviews and texts using neural networks for Opencart.
Price: 3 490 ₽ 3 900 ₽

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Author: dimedrol Write to the author
Sales: 394 (Average rating: 5)
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DEMO in Telegram DMs (Link below)
Integration added with Gemini (Google Bard), GigaChat, YandexGPT
+ Bypassing ChatGPT blocks for the Russian Federation
+ Video instructions on how to get 3000 rubles for YandexGPT balance for free upon purchase

Module demonstration video!!!

You can independently add the module integration to any page in the admin panel with minimal technical knowledge. All request settings to ChatGPT are placed in a separate config, which the user can edit and integrate ChatGPT SEO with any other third-party module.

Maximum bulk generation speed up to 6000 products per hour, integration with Batch Editor and operation through Cron scheduler, full list of all changes in the version history

Key Features:

  • Bulk filling of products/categories/manufacturers/OSFilter pages/reviews and product attributes automatically.
  • Module is compatible with extended reviews
  • Module works with ChatGPT in the Russian Federation and Belarus using Proxy
  • Module supports YandexGPT neural network
  • Module supports Gemini (Google Bard) neural network
  • Module supports GigaChat neural network by Sberbank
  • Module supports free OpenSource LLM models
  • Ability to fill all fields of a product at once.
  • Generation of product attributes using AI
  • Ability to fill each field individually manually.
  • Ability to analyze image content
  • Ability to specify fields that should remain unchanged.
  • Support for variables in queries. For example, if your products have fields Title and Tags filled, you can use their values as variables {title}, {tag}, {options}, {attributes} in queries when generating text for other fields.
  • Ability to use the module as a translator.
  • Free integration of the module into any admin panel forms.
Currently, the module is integrated into the following Opencart admin panel pages:

  • Products
  • Categories
  • Information
  • Manufacturers
  • HTML Module
  • SEO FilterVier pages
  • SEO OCFilter pages
  • Batch Editor
  • Reviews (+ extended reviews)
  • Free integration into any pages
The list will be expanded upon customer requests. Integration of one form takes approximately 10 minutes.
The module supports all languages available in the ChatGPT language model, including: English, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, etc.

Originally, the module was created as a non-commercial product for personal use, as I was tired of copying text from ChatGPT into the admin panel.
With proper configuration and the presence of your site's semantic core, this module can completely replace an SEO specialist.

All minor updates do not require module reinstallation; they will be automatically loaded from GitHub.
Major updates are installed as usual through the admin panel.
The module uses ionCube.
Access to updates and technical support is provided for 12 months.

Test keys can be issued for 1 day for your domain for review.

System Requirements:
  • Php 5.6 - 8.1
  • Opencart / ocStore 2.3, 3.0, 1.5.x
  • CURL
  • IonCube
For all questions, you can contact the developer via Telegram:
In case of any issues, I will help you create an account on

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