Opencart version:
OpenCart 2.1OpenCart 2.2OpenCart 2.3OpenCart 3.*OCStore 2.1OCStore 2.3OCStore 3.* 2.3
Product Tested by Time!
The Revolution template is a universal solution for websites of any theme and is suitable for all product categories: electronics, furniture, cosmetics, clothing, building materials, etc. The main idea is cleanliness, minimalism, and highlighting the product in the foreground. Flexible settings allow you to create almost any site based on the template. All template settings are interconnected (for example, if you disable the model field in the cart, it will not be in the user's personal account or the order email; product sorting changes depending on the availability for order, etc.).
An important factor when choosing a template is the author's attitude towards their product and customers. This is not just a typical template; a lot of effort, resources, and time has been invested in its development so that you can quickly deploy your store.
Over 6 years of work on one template, and this period is growing as the template is constantly evolving.
> View template demo
Responsive design for all devices
100% clean, valid HTML code
Flexible template settings (over 700 settings)
PHP 7+ support
Free lifetime updates
Free and fast technical support
Significant discount on future purchases
Over 200 features:
General features:
1. Quick start (8 demos)
2. New catalog pages: New Products and Bestsellers (with addition to the sitemap)
3. Store reviews page (with admin responses), with a separate page for all reviews in the admin panel (with addition to the sitemap)
4. Blog system (news, articles, etc.) with unlimited categories (nesting level) and the ability to add related products, images to articles (with addition of all categories and articles to the sitemap)
5. Responsive product comparison page with selectable comparison parameters, the ability to compare products by category, and a button to display only differences
6. Enabling privacy policy for all forms with article selection (Federal Law 152 "On Personal Data")
7. Enabling the display of the cookie acceptance text window
8. Alternative 404 page
9. Ability to create your own custom menu instead of the catalog ("mega menu")
10. Ability to overlay a watermark on images (text or image)
11. Pop-up window when entering the site, with the ability to display confirmation buttons (e.g., 18+)
12. microdata for all pages with settings
13. SEO data generator for the entire site (Seo-url, Title, H1, Description, Keywords)
14. Ability to change information (contacts, texts) depending on the region or city
15. Notifications in pop-up windows (comparison, bookmarks, buy, and other information) instead of standard ones
16. Buttons change and remain after adding products to comparison or bookmarks (notification)
17. Enabling data caching
18. Customizing the appearance
19. 3 types of mobile menu (site header) to choose from
20. Ability to disable the cart on the entire site
21. Site color scheme settings
22. Page width settings (with the ability to separately expand the header and footer) and background image selection (with settings)
23. Preloader selection for the entire site
24. Page load indicator
25. Blur and darkening effect
26. Smooth page loading
27. Enabling/disabling falling snow on the site
28. Adding your styles and scripts from the settings
29. Template settings import/export
30. Additionally, 3 separate modules (Amazon Categories Module, News Module, Custom Menu Module)
31. Translation into 3 languages (Russian, Ukrainian, English)
Site Header:
32. Ability to hide or display the top bar in the header
33. Language selection menu
34. Currency selection menu
35. Comparison product counter
36. Bookmarks product counter
37. Bookmarks are available without registration on the site
38. The page is adapted for mobile
39. Personal account menu
40. Ability to disable the personal account
41. Selection of the authorization method: in a pop-up window or via a link
42. Selection of how to display the title for a registered user: Personal account, User name, User email
43. Ability to enable the personal account from the template with settings
44. Selection of whether to display links on the account page or not
45. Selection of which items to display (interconnected with the Account module)
46. Custom text (editor) for users in the personal account
47. Ability to enable user registration from the template with settings
48. Selection of whether to display field group titles or not
49. Selection of which user fields to display for registration
50. Ability to display custom fields
51. Custom text (editor) on the registration page
52. The account editing page is interconnected with the registration page settings
53. Creation of 2 custom informational menus (with 2 different display locations on mobile, 2 levels of nesting)
54. Display of the logo as an image or text (ability to upload an svg image)
55. Enabling product search
56. Category selection for search
57. Quick product search (by model, manufacturer, SKU, UPC, MPN, ISBN, JAN, EAN, product description)
58. Ability to replace the search with custom text (editor)
59. Ability to display custom text along with the search
60. Display of contacts in the header
61. 4 main lines (working hours, email, phone numbers, etc.)
62. Display of an image or icon for contacts
63. Custom text (editor) under contacts
64. Enabling additional contacts (drop-down window), with the ability to display custom text
65. Callback button (request is created in the admin panel and sent to email) with the selection of the display location (Under contacts, In drop-down contacts), with a separate page for all requests in the admin panel and request status
66. Main panel fixed or not
67. 2 types of menus: "Amazon menu" (vertical) or simple (horizontal)
68. Display of category images instead of names
69. Ability to limit the display of 3rd level categories
70. Ability to disable category display
71. Display of manufacturer menu
72. Ability to set an image or icon for any item
73. Display of manufacturer logos instead of names
74. Enabling hover delay on the menu
75. Selection of the drop-down menu display method
76. Hidden or expanded menu on the main page
77. Increased height of the expanded menu on the main page or not
78. Limitation of 3rd level subcategory display (show more button)
79. Creation of 2 custom product catalog menus (with 2 different display locations on mobile, 3 levels of nesting, ability to set an image or icon)
80. Creation of 2 custom menus on the main panel (with 2 different display locations on mobile, 3 levels of nesting, ability to set an image or icon)
81. Display of the cart with the ability to disable it
82. Selection of cart type (Drop-down, Pop-up, Go to checkout)
83. Selection of action for the buy button on the entire site (Pop-up cart, Fly product image to the cart, Go directly to checkout)
84. Selection of cart block size (Standard, Reduced, Mini)
85. Ability to display the "Open cart" button (go to the cart page)
86. Ability to display the "One-click order" button for the entire cart of products
Site Footer:
87. Enabling/disabling "Up" and "Callback" buttons
88. Ability to display a map with contacts
89. Ability to set your own copyright or automatic
90. Enabling/disabling newsletter subscription (with settings, with a separate subscribers page in the admin panel, with the ability to send newsletters to subscribers)
91. Enabling/disabling footer builder
92. Ability to disable regular links on PC (displaying only on mobile)
93. 5 columns with custom menus (2 levels of nesting, icon or image settings) and custom text (editor) and column width selection
94. Adding custom links
95. Adding social media icons
96. Adding payment system icons
97. Displaying the H1 title
98. Enabling slideshow
99. Ability to stretch to full screen
100. Selection of how many banners to display on one slide
101. Selection of whether to display on mobile or not
102. Enabling auto-scroll
103. Ability to set a background for the slideshow
104. Text blocks (advantages)
105. Unlimited number of blocks
106. Selection of image or icon
107. Selection of how to display information (In a pop-up window, Go to link)
108. Display of selective categories block ("category wall")
109. Ability to hide on mobile
110. Selection of image or icon
111. Selection of compact category display (with the ability to group by the first letter)
112. Selection of whether to display the description and options for products on the homepage (if enabled in the catalog)
113. 3 product blocks (Bestsellers, Promotions, New Arrivals)
114. Ability to group them with tab display
115. Display of link to the page of all products
116. Selection of image or icon
117. Ability to disable displaying products with zero quantity or price
118. Ability to display products as a slider or grid
119. Enabling auto-scroll
120. 4 product blocks with custom products
121. Extensive selection and sorting options for products
122. Ability to group them with tab display
123. Display of link to a custom page
124. Selection of image or icon
125. Ability to disable displaying products with zero quantity or price
126. Ability to display products as a slider or grid
127. Enabling auto-scroll
128. Display of news block with settings
129. Selection of news category
130. Selection of image or icon
131. Ability to set a background for the news block
132. "About the store" block with settings
133. Display of social media widgets (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram) with display settings
134. Store reviews block with settings
135. Module for displaying viewed products
Product Catalog:
136. Settings apply to all product pages and modules
137. 2 places for category description display (Before products, After products)
138. Ability to disable subcategories on the category page with products
139. Display of subcategories as images or list
140. Selection of the number of categories per row
141. Ability to enable compact product display
142. 3 types of product catalog display (Grid, List, Compact) with the ability to disable selection altogether
143. Selection of default product display type
144. Selection of the number of products in the grid (4, 5)
145. Selection of the number of products per row on mobile (1, 2)
146. Ability to disable description and options display on mobile
147. 4 types of navigation (Standard, "Show more" button, Standard + "Show more" button, Auto-load products)
148. Settings for product sorting
149. 11 sorting options to choose from
150. Custom titles for sorting
151. Selection of default sorting
152. Ability to group products by various parameters (including attributes)
153. Settings for New Products (auto-selection by limit and days since added) and Bestsellers (auto-selection by limit and number of sales) with the ability to choose your products (settings apply to the entire site: for separate New Products and Bestsellers pages, for stickers)
154. Enabling product stickers with color settings
155. Automatic stickers (New, Bestseller, Promotion)
156. Product status stickers
157. Custom stickers
158. Product card settings apply to the entire site
159. Display of quantity selection
160. Display of the "Add to comparison" button
161. Display of the "Add to wishlist" button
162. Display of the "Quick view" button
163. Display of "One-click order" (3 positions), with options selection and order registration in the admin panel
164. Selection of additional buttons placement (Near the buy button, On the image)
165. Display of additional product images (As a slideshow, 2 photos when hovering over the image)
166. Ability to mark products that are in the cart (on the fly)
167. Products added to comparison and wishlist are marked (on the fly)
168. Enabling/disabling description display (with the ability not to display when viewing in grid)
169. Ability to replace product description with characteristics
170. Ability to display short product description
171. Display of main properties (Manufacturer, Model, SKU, Availability, Dimensions, Weight)
172. 2 types of product availability informer: stock status, or quantity in numbers (pcs.)
173. Separate settings page for displayed attributes
174. Ability to display description (characteristics, options) in a drop-down panel
175. Enabling/disabling options selection (with the ability not to display when viewing in grid)
176. Product filter with advanced settings
177. Selection of filtering method (Automatically, By button press)
178. Display of options and attributes depending on the category
179. Ability to group products
size=100]Product Page:[/size]
180. Enabling quick order
181. Selection of the ability to purchase a product with 0 quantity and/or 0 price (if disabled, these products are listed at the end of the list in the catalog)
182. Ability to enable quantity dependence on stock (above this value, the product cannot be selected and ordered)
183. Enabling/disabling product cost recalculation based on quantity and option prices
184. Enabling/disabling animation of product cost recalculation
185. Display of the timer until the end of the promotion
186. Display of recommended products in the right column
187. Display of short description above characteristics
188. Display of buttons to share on social networks
189. Ability to add custom tabs (For specific products and Separate settings for individual products by parameters)
190. Display of the Q&A tab about the product (question is created in the admin panel and sent to email), with a separate page for all questions in the admin panel
191. Display of the tab with articles linked to the product (in the news module)
192. Ability of the administrator to respond to a product review
193. Ability to disable tabs and display all information on one page
194. Ability to display description and characteristics in 2 columns
195. Ability to enable pre-order for out-of-stock products (the cart button changes to pre-order on the entire site), with options selection and order registration in the admin panel
196. Ability to display some characteristics to the right of the photo (with settings, "show all" button), or all characteristics (tab is disabled)
197. Selection of which product properties to display in characteristics
198. Settings for options actions
199. Ability to replace the option with an option image with a hint (e.g., product color)
200. Option images added (with the ability to choose where to load the image from: product or option. Product photo changes when clicking on the option. Also, the option photo is displayed in the cart and email)
201. The equal sign added to options (with the ability to select: add price to options with the equal sign)
202. The model added to the option (The product model changes when clicking on the option. Also, the option model is displayed in the cart and email)
203. Selection of whether to display the price on options
204. Ability to enable auto-selection of the first option (throughout the site)
205. Ability to display options in 2 columns
206. Ability to replace with buy button options (with field settings: Option name, Photo, Model, Stock, Change product photo when clicking on the option)
207. Ability to enable zoom on the photo
208. Settings for displaying additional images (Slider or List)
209. Ability to add video to the block with images
210. Text blocks (advantages, size chart, and other information)
211. 2 different configurable blocks (General and Settings for individual products by parameters)
212. Unlimited number of blocks
213. Selection of image or icon
214. Selection of how to display information (In a pop-up window, Go to link)
215. Selection of the number of blocks per row
216. Ability to display viewed products
217. Enabling/disabling template checkout
218. Customizing the fields display (and their mandatory) in the Buyer, Delivery Address block
219. Ability to disable registration or enable registration by default
220. Enabling/disabling the link to authorization
221. Ability to load the delivery address from the buyer's personal account (with the ability to replace with a new one)
222. Customizing cart fields
223. What fields are configured in the cart will be displayed in the personal account and order email
224. Enabling/disabling minimum order amount
225. Custom text (editor) under the cart
226. Improved responsive email to the client and administrator about the order
227. Ability to add additional fields with dependency settings and display location (Buyer, Address)
228. Setting dependencies of payment on delivery
229. Setting address display (disable) for the delivery method
230. Added 2 delivery methods (Courier delivery, Regional delivery) and 2 payment methods (Cash payment, Card payment)
Contact Page:
231. The map is automatically generated from the address in the store settings
232. Settings for which contacts to display
233. Enabling/disabling the contact form
234. Custom text (editor)
and many more (added with each update).
The template can only be used on one domain + a key for a test domain is issued.
Opencart version:
OpenCart 2.1OpenCart 2.2OpenCart 2.3OpenCart 3.*OCStore 2.1OCStore 2.3OCStore 3.* 2.3
Manually, via the author's website
Getting files:
On the author's website, after purchase
Файлы будут доступны после покупки
поддержке спасибо за терпение в работе , 5+
Будет ли работать шаблон на сборке "Opencart 3 club edition - русскоязычная сборка опенкарт v3.0.3.8-ce.1.1"?
Автору всех благ!
Отдельная благодарность и восторги выражаю разработчику, он же осуществляет поддержку. Это просто святой человек. Он помогал специалисту, который устанавливал мне этот шаблон. Он отвечает на мои вопросы по всяким мелочам, в которых я путаюсь. Представьте только объем его помощи и терпения, если я даже далеко не сразу обнаружила окошко для написания этого комментария ????
Одним словом, большое вам человеческое спасибо!
Не могу понять)) А где ЛК клиента? Как следить за историей покупок?
Версия дизайна - пиццерия -