Opencart version:
OpenCart 1.5.6OpenCart 2.0OpenCart 2.1OpenCart 2.2OpenCart 2.3OpenCart 3.*OCStore 2.1OCStore 2.3OCStore 3.*OcShopх 2.0.3.х 2.3MaxyStore 3.*
Filterit module - delivery, payment, accounting in the order
Module features:
- Creation of simple delivery or payment options
- Creation of margins or discounts (via the summary lines)
- Redefining the properties of delivery and payment options for installed delivery and payment modules
- Dozens of conditions for displaying delivery or payment options (both established and created) and the possibility of combining them in any form using logical expressions (AND, OR, NOT)
- Creation of margins or discounts for various conditions and combinations of these conditions
- Calculation of the cost of delivery by weight and by order amount
- Add images to existing and created shipping and payment options.
- Smart plugs
The module is designed for a standard order and a module
Simple , the issue of compatibility with other ordering systems needs to be clarified before purchasing the module!
The module is distributed only for in the countries of the former USSR, with the exception of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
, the module is licensed strictly for one domain. There is no replacement or transfer of the license from domain to domain!
Test temporary keys can be issued to test domains after purchasing the module.
Only technical hosting addresses, freelance test sites, or test subdomains of the main domain are recognized as test domains.
At the same time, the name of the test domain must clearly show its test essence.
The provision of installation, maintenance, adaptation, support, and consulting services is not included in the license price.
Writing personal instructions and answering the questions "how do I set up, what conditions or what expression for calculating conditions should I specify for my requirements" and similar questions are not included in the module support. All this is a matter of logic, the module is just a tool for implementing this logic without writing code. The inability of the user to analyze and write logical expressions does not place the responsibility for setting up on the author.
Module updates are shareware. The possibility of a free update does not mean the right to contact support for each update.
All the features of the module are clearly presented in the demo of the module
Module admin panel
Login/password: demo/demo
Рекомендую, если у Ва уже есть Simple
Но, вопрос автору @deeman
Возьметесь ли за доработку?
В разделе "Учет в товаре" добавить возможность использовать переменную "ОБщее количество" в поле значение.
Т.е., хочу прописать формулу Общее количество * на определенную сумму
На ОС 3 установлен и работает! Очень гибкий в настройках и 99% вопросов по настройке заказа+оплаты+доставки - решает!
Так как три категории товаров добавил 3 условия и в выражении для вычисления условий прописал $0 OR $1 OR $2.
Разработчик модуля отвечает быстро, чётко, спасибо)
Покупать не советую.
По написанной инструкции установит даже чайник.