Opencart Articles

How to Install and Set Up Google Analytics or Yandex Metrica Counter

The easiest way to add Google and/or Yandex counter codes to your store on OpenCart.

Opencart modules with ChatGPT support

Simplifying work with texts using artificial intelligence service from openai.

OpenCart 4: разбираемся в возможных проблемах и рисках

Почему не стоит переходить на OpenCart 4: разбираемся в возможных проблемах и рисках.

Модули карты сайта (sitemap) для Опенкарт

Подборка модулей для создания карты сайта в Opencart.

Easy work with the Opencart database via adminer

Description of the Adminer modification for working with the Opencart database.

How do I clear the cache in OpenCart?

Depending on the Opencart version, the cache can be vqmod, vqmod, system, template, separate module, or on the server.

Enabling the display of php errors in Opencart

A little help for beginners on enabling the display of PHP errors, it may help with a "white screen" :)

Is piracy beneficial for online stores, or 'what's the big deal?'

In this article, I will not consider the origins of piracy, the aesthetic and moral aspects, viruses, or anything of that nature.

How to Install Opencart,, OcStore

A Brief Guide for Beginners on Installing Opencart,, OcStore Using Timeweb Hosting