A selection of paid modules for Opencart for April-July 2024: form builder, Sber acquiring.
→Top Selling OpenCart Add-ons and Themes in July: T-Bank Acquiring, Komplekt-Expert, Export to Avito, and Frame Theme.
→Sales Ranking of Opencart Add-ons and Templates in June:multiYML 7max Maximus Editions, Products in Yandex Search, Article Catalog and template Everyday.
→We will discuss the development of a driver for the Grandline supplier's API, which will enable seamless data integration using the YML/XML Manager.
→This update includes about 20 points that modify and improve the template to meet the new realities of online commerce.
→Sales ranking of Opencart add-ons and templates in April-May: database optimization, Telegram notifications, microdata.
→Opencart add-ons and templates sales rating in March: Yandex products in search, order editor, working with ChatGPT.
→Opencart add-ons and templates sales rating in February: synchronization with МойСклад, filling out descriptions via neural networks and quickly adding new pages to Google.
→Which version of OpenCart / ocStore should I choose in 2024 and where to download it.
→If you encounter a startup error when working with the Suppliers - XML, CSV, XLS Product Feed Import and Update (AOP, Suppliers), then you need to update it.
→Congratulations on the New Year and a description of the features of the sale of modules during the New Year holidays.
→Selection of paid modules for Opencart for November 2023: online chat with ChatGPT, multilingual functionality on the site, authorization by phone, etc.