OpenCart 3.*OCStore 3.*MaxyStore 3.*
- Live update with options : Image, Price, Stock, Model, SKU, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN, Location, Size, Weight, Point
- Search by variant model, SKU, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN:
- Pattern Types : Option Pictures / Product Pictures / Text
- Show/Hide option on Category page
- Show / Hide Options Price Difference
- Show / Hide Out of Stock Possibility
- Easy creation : Create all variable parameters (combined parameters) with a simple mouse click or predefined combinations.
- Easy editing with Excel : Image, Price, Quantity, Model, SKU, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN, Location, Size, Weight, Point (You can select the data you need to manage in extension configuration only.)
- Set option price with : =, +, -
- Unlimited combinations with complex dependencies
demo Admin demo
Online Documentation
Super easy creation of combo options with simple clicks Real-time update attributes by changing the combination Sample types

- Option images: You can set option images on each option editing page - Catalog -> Options
- Product images: The first of the combined images
- Text: If you didn't specify any additional images or product images, the samples will use the text style.
Unlimited combinations with complex dependencies

Topic Compatibility:
- Default
- Journal 3
- eMarket (so-emarket)
- Revo (so-revo)
- Claue (so-claue)
- myshop (so-myshop)
- Bestshop (so-bestshop)
- ShoppyStore (so-shoppystore)
- Basel
- Zeexo
- Pander
- Sinrato
- Truemart
- Kenza
- Mimosa
- Debaco
- Gicor
- Zemez
- Fastor
- Drama
- Madina
- Yoga
- UltraStore (Octemplate)
- FeelMart (Octemplate)
- ReMarket (Octemplate)
- Unishop2
- Mixbucket
- Furelife
- Clima
Если вы используете другую коммерческую тему, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.
Мы бесплатно сделаем наше расширение совместимым с вашим.
Контакт Maybooster: maysoft1116@outlook.com
1 лицензия на 1 домен
- Live Update with Options: Image, Price, Stock Availability, Model, Sku, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN, Location, Dimension, Weight, Point
- Search by Option Model, Sku, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN:
- Swatch Types: Options images / Product images / Text
- Show / Hide Option in Category Page
- Show / Hide Option Price Differences
- Show / Hide Out of Stock Option
- Easy Generation : Create all variable options (combined options) by simple click or predefined combinations.
- Easy edit with Excel view : Image, Price, Quantity, Model, Sku, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN, Location, Dimension, Weight, Point (You can choose data you only need to manage in extension configuration.)
- Set option price with : =, +, -
- Unlimited combinations with complex dependencies
Способ распространения:
OpenCart 3.*OCStore 3.*MaxyStore 3.*
Файлы будут доступны после покупки
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